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Aspire Atlantis Evo Coil 0.5ohm (5 Pack)

The Aspire Atlantis EVO Replacement Coil features a duo of coils designed to cater to either end of the experience spectrum, with the 0.5 ohm coil featuring a 1.3mm spacing for denser vapor and a 0.4 ohm coil with 2.2mm spacing with greater airflow. Each coil features a vertical Kanthal Clapton coil configuration.

Warning: Never use a short or flat 510 connection on any hybrid or hybrid style device. If unsure whether this pertains to your particular set-up, DO NOT assemble and use. Always use proper precautions and handling

Coil Specifications:

  • Atlantis Evo Coil Family 

    • 0.5 ohm Coil

      • 35 to 40W

      • Kanthal Clapton

      • 1.3mm Spacing

      • Denser Vapor
